Welcome to Dylan’s Bar Mitzvah

March 19-20, 2022
Shabbat Tzav: 16th of Adar II, 5782
A Message From Our Family
Welcome to Dylan’s Bar Mitzvah web page. Here you will find everything you need to know about a great weekend we have planned for March. Invitations will be going out soon after the new year.
When and Where
Saturday, March 19, 2022, 9:30 AM: Service, followed by kiddush, at East Brunswick Jewish Center
We will come together for a traditional Shabbat morning service. Dylan will read some Torah, a Haftara, and lead some prayers as well. Josh and Zach, among others, will have parts as well. Plan to arrive no later than 9:45 to see Josh’s early part and no later than 10:10 to see Dylan’s starring role. Service should be over by a little after 12 followed by a buffet mini-lunch.
The service will be available online here for those unable to attend.
Sunday, March 20, 2022, 12 noon: Celebration at East Brunswick Jewish Center
Four hours of party, food, dancing, and fun to celebrate Dylan.
Important Note
East Brunswick Jewish Center requires everyone over 18 years old entering the building to be vaccinated for Covid-19. If you are not vaccinated we ask that your send your regrets and join us for the service via Zoom.
Room Block
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Express, 4 Tower Center Road 4 Tower Center Blvd, East Brunswick, NJ, 08816. Rooms can be reserved using the code “DSB” or by following this link.
Rooms must be reserved by February 19.
Mitzvah Project
My mitzvah project is about saving the trees. I am a big fan of the Lorax and his mantra, “I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees” has inspired me to promote forestry projects in Israel with the Jewish National Fund. Please join me in supporting the JNF here.
Contact Us
Fee free to reach out at any time with questions or feedback at dylans-bar-mitzvah@total-party.com.